
Muris is a Taipei-based creative studio focused on filmmaking in the innovation sector.

—  About


Muris is a Taipei-based creative studio focused on filmmaking in the innovation sector.

Founded by Mu-Ming Tsai and Iris Lai in San Francisco in 2010, Muris is the makers of documentaries “Design & Thinking,” “Maker,” “Hanzi,” “Relationships,” and ”Food & Design”; we’ve also made narrative feature films “Paradoxical” and “Universe Memory,” all which have garnered awards and attracted an international audience.

Our documentaries were all crowdfunded on Kickstarter and distributed independently, selected by many international film festivals including CPH:DOX, Seattle Design Festival, Kikk Festival and A Design Film Festival in Singapore, screening at organizations all around the world including Google, Twitter and Harvard University. Our narrative feature films - “Paradoxical” and "Universe Memory" are several of the very few Sci-Fi films from Taiwan, have been screened at multiple international film festivals, winning awards for best feature narrative and cinematography.

These films were all self-financed and self-distributed internationally, because we believe in an unadulterated vision and independent spirit. We hope you enjoy them as well, and find them as powerful and thought-provoking as we did.

Muris 繆思團隊(繆思有限公司),由蔡牧民導演與賴佩芸製片於2010年在舊金山創立。2012年完成第一部設計紀錄長片 Design & Thinking《設計與思考》,一推出便造成國際設計圈的廣傳,許多知名企業與學校都競相放映,包含Google、Microsoft,、Target 等世界各大企業團體,還有哈佛、柏克萊大學、西北大學等,並被美國最具權威的財經雜誌 - Forbes 富比世雜誌嚴選為必看紀錄片之一!2014年繼續完成第二部設計紀錄長片 Maker《自造世代》,在網路上被評為「七部硬體創業者必看電影之一」,已於40幾個國家放映超過400多場,進了18個國際影展,包含CPH:DOX哥本哈根國際紀錄片影展、Aarhus丹麥國際影展、比利時KIKK影展以及韓國首爾建築影展,並榮幸受邀 2015 年美國全國性自造者嘉年華 National Maker Faire,作唯一的電影放映展出!2017年完成第三部紀錄長片 Hanzi《漢字》,榮獲城市遊牧影展閉幕片與首獎肯定,以及新加坡國際設計影展開幕片!這三部紀錄片作品都是在全世界最大的群眾募資平台 Kickstarter上募款成功,也成為台灣第一個在Kickstarter上連續成功三次的案例。 2018年更是突破性地推出了第一支劇情長片 Paradoxical《時光》,是台灣少見的原創獨立科幻電影,入圍多項國際影展肯定,榮獲美國獨立科幻影展「最佳科幻長片獎」以及美國波士頓科幻影展「最佳時光旅行電影獎」。

疫情期間我們沒有停止創作,持續透過遠端拍攝,在2021年推出了第四部紀錄長片 Relationships《關係未來式》,以及2022年完成了第二次的劇情長片創作 Universe Memory《宇宙記憶》,2023年完成公司創立十幾年來的第七部長片 Food & Design《食物設計》,一推出後受到廣大好評,並入圍與得獎多個國際影展獎項,包含 Newport Beach Film Festival 新港灘國際影展、羅馬Prisma獨立電影獎與美國紐約電影獎的最佳紀錄長片…等等。


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